1. Kyougohuku Mihashi

  2. Kusakabe Miso Soy Sauce Brewing Co., Ltd


  1. Genres

  2. Drink

  3. Food

  4. General goods

  5. Clothes

  6. Beauty

  7. Entertainment

  8. Living environment

  9. Sightseeing

  10. Manufacturing

  11. Others

Bringing wonderful local resources from all over Japan to you!

Project for the international promotion of Japanese
local resources. What's "Sekakuru!"?

Sekakuru! lists various companies from all over Japan looking for business partners and opportunities abroad.
You can search for information on companies with genres, areas, and free words or buy their products from the detail page or
contact the person in charge directly.

Why not incorporate these wonderful local resources into your life and business tomorrow?
No cost to inquire.
Please feel free to contact us.

There are many excellent products, foods, technology, and service in Japan that you do not know about yet.
We are looking forward to your contact!

For more information

Search by Prefecture

Hokkaido Hokkaido
Tohoku Aomori、Iwate、Miyagi、Akita、Yamagata、Fukushima
Kanto Ibaraki、Tochigi、Gunma、Saitama、Chiba、Tokyo、Kanagawa、Yamanashi
Tokai Gifu、Shizuoka、Aichi
Kinki Shiga、Kyoto、Osaka、Hyogo、Nara、Wakayama
Chugoku Tottori、Shimane、Okayama、Hiroshima、Yamaguchi
Shikoku Tokushima、Kagawa、Ehime、Kochi
Kyushu Fukuoka、Saga、Nagasaki、Kumamoto、Oita、Miyazaki、Kagoshima
Okinawa Okinawa

Search by Genre

Sekakul! you can also search for information on the company you are looking for by product category.
We have a wide range of Japanese companies in the fields of necessities of life (food, clothing), beauty, tourism, and more.

  1. Drink

  2. Food

  3. General goods

  4. Clothes

  5. Beauty

  6. Entertainment

  7. Living environment

  8. Sightseeing

  9. Manufacturing

  10. Others

Learn about the regions of Japan

Japan has various areas with different climates and environments within its small land area, and each district has its own unique traditions and food culture. We will introduce attractive products and services by conveying their characteristics, specialties, history, and traditions.